Published: 16 September 2021

AMRC has written to NHS Digital, sharing a joint statement signed by 20 medical research charities, which outlines concerns and key asks for implementing the GP Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR) programme.

The statement highlights charities’ support for the use of GP data for research, but urges NHS Digital to communicate proactively, transparently and responsively to ensure public trust in the programme. It specifically calls for more clarity about the choices available for people to opt-out, the commercial access to data, and the proposal to introduce Trusted Research Environments.  

Nicola Perrin, Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Association of Medical Research Charities commented: “The GPDPR programme holds enormous potential for medical research, but NHS Digital must engage carefully to get it right. Charities stand ready to advocate for responsible uses of patient data, but only once they have confidence in the safeguards and engagement that underpin this programme.”