IQVIA is a global healthcare company, partnering with pharma, biotech, governments and healthcare providers to advance healthcare, using data, technology, advanced analytics and human expertise.  IQVIA is a new supporter of AMRC, and they are looking forward to understanding more about how they can successfully partner with medical research charities on initiatives that will accelerate the delivery of new treatments and technologies in the UK.

There is a project for which IQVIA is seeking a charity partner:

The IQVIA Patient Centred Solutions Team is looking for a partner to pilot a new approach to providing information on patient-centred outcomes.  The aim of the pilot is to develop a brief, informative and understandable resource sheet which summarises the patient reported outcome (PRO) data from a clinical trial that is relevant and useful to patient organisations and patients. Their hope is that by providing this information, patient organisations and patients will be better informed about outcomes of clinical research that study participants felt were important to them. 

In this pilot IQVIA will seek to understand how best to present PRO data in a graphical format so that it is easily understandable by patients and patient organisations.  They will use this information to develop a resource sheet which will be available to patients and the patient organisation and, co-authored by the patient organisation (if desired), publish the pooled and anonymised data at a scientific conference and in a scientific/medical journal.  If this pilot is successful, they will seek to encourage the routine generation of similar resource sheets when patient reported outcomes are collected in IQVIA run studies.

IQVIA are flexible about disease area and, once a partnership is established and with the approval of their patient organisation partner, may approach a pharma or biotech customer for involvement in the pilot.  If you are interested in participating or would like any further information please contact [email protected], Head of Patient Advocacy.