Published: 22 April 2024

Charities could consider some of the following actions to become more environmentally sustainable and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.


  • Move to renewable electricity suppliers. 
  • Install, where possible, solar power and solar hot water systems. 
  • Engage with partners, the people you fund, local businesses, or councils to obtain Power Purchase Agreements for new-to-ground renewable power generation.  

Investments and pensions

  • Change banking services to ones that don’t fund fossil fuel investments. 
  • Ask pension managers about actions they are taking to reduce the impact of their investments on climate change and if they have an emissions reduction target for their portfolio and/or operations.  
  • Set clear net zero targets for investments. Ask investment managers about net zero targets for their portfolio and operations. Incorporate sustainable frameworks (such as the Long-term Investors in People’s Health Initiative) into investment portfolios and ask investment managers to be signatories.  
  • Regularly monitor and evaluate emissions associated with investments.
  • Divest all investments from fossil fuel companies.

Transport and events 

  • Carry out, where possible, remote meetings and consider when it’s possible to go off camera on a videoconferencing session as this reduces the carbon footprint by up to 96%.
  • Avoid flying and travel, where possible, via public transport. Provide funding to reimburse those that use sustainable modes of transport.  
  • At events, use 100% tap water (not bottled), and switch to seasonal, vegetable-based meal plans using local produce.  


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