Published: 28 January 2020

This infographic highlights the unique role medical research charities play in the UK health research landscape.

Data source:

All stats included in this infographic are from the data gathered for the UK Health Research Analysis 2018 (UK Clinical Research Collaboration, 2020). This report and analysis were compiled by the Medical Research Council (MRC), overseen and approved by the Health Research Analysis Forum (HRAF) on behalf of the UKCRC. The full report and dataset can be found here:



  • All stats are based on direct grants in the UK (grants focused directly on supporting specific research programmes and projects) and excluded funding supporting indirect aspects such as infrastructure.
  • All stats are based on grants that were successfully classified using the Health Research Classification System (HRCS), the bespoke coding system developed for these nationwide landscaping analyses. This classification was largely automated using an algorithm available through the Digital Science Dimensions platform.
  • For more information about the organisations in each funding group, for example "Other gov/public bodies" and "Non-AMRC charities", see Appendix 1 in the report.

AMRC charities provide the largest proportion of public funding for multiple stages of the research process

  • Normal development and the cause of disease: AMRC charities provided 46% of the total public funding that was invested into normal development and the cause of disease. The other funders provided 44% (UKRI), 3% (Other Government and Public Bodies) and 7% (Non-AMRC charities).
  • Detection and diagnosis of health conditions: AMRC charities provided 39% of the total public funding that was invested into detection and diagnosis of health conditions. The other funders provided 38% (UKRI), 22% (Other Government and Public Bodies) and 1% (Non-AMRC charities, not shown).
  • Development of treatments and therapeutic interventions: AMRC charities provided 50% of the total public funding that was invested into development of treatments and therapeutic interventions. The other funders provided 39% (UKRI), 10% (Other Government and Public Bodies) and 1% (Non-AMRC charities, not shown).

AMRC charities account for the highest percentage of research spend in key health areas compared to other public funders

  • 66% of public funding in cancer and neoplasms
  • 66% of public funding in cardiovascular
  • 45% of public funding in inflammatory and immune system

A closer look at AMRC charity funded research and its distribution across health areas and research activities

  • AMRC members support essential research into many different areas of health and disease. Other (10%) includes: Metabolic and endocrine, Musculoskeletal, Eye, Respiratory, Oral and gastrointestinal, Reproductive health and childbirth, Renal and urogenital, Stroke, Congenital disorders, Skin, Ear, Blood, Injuries and accidents, Disputed aetiology and other
  • Cause: Research activity codes 1 and 2
  • Cure: Research activity codes 4, 5 and 6
  • Care: Research activity codes 3, 7 and 8
  • 75%: percentage of charities who fund at least one grant in each area (cause, cure, care)
  • Logos included are all AMRC charities who participated in this analysis.