Each year we ask our members to provide us with their research expenditure and grants portfolio data.

The 2024 annual data collection has begun. We've sent out an email to each charity formal rep asking them to complete a grants form, research expenditure survey, and research and activities survey to each charity formal rep. You will have until 23 February to submit your charity's data. If you have any questions about our data collection please email our team at [email protected].

How does AMRC use your data?

Providing us with your data is a membership requirement and allows us to represent the value and footprint of the medical research charity sector to the public and policy makers. The analyses we do with the data also create resources for benchmarking, influencing policy and informing future strategy.

Your data helps us create a strong, collective, evidence-based voice for the sector that is fundamental for our policy work, and it provides a basis for reports we publish throughout the year, including our annual infographic and spotlight reports.

We also use your UK research expenditure to calculate your AMRC membership subscription cost.

Our Research Data Policy provides a detailed explanation of how we collect and use member data.